One of my Internet friends messaged me about broken links on my website. Now, I’m using Broken Link Checker to fix the links. Whoa, too many links were outdated. I never thought of this problem. I should avoid putting too many URLs in a post, especially the ones from a news website.

I just published a new essay: Yes, I Am an Artist.

Korean conglomerates(chaebols) stopped the iPhone from entering the market for years. They now kicked Twitch out for not paying enough network fees. And Korean customers are left with chaebol-approved products. We live in a Samsung apartment, drive a Hyundai car, and watch LG TVs.

Stripe is still not supported in S. Korea. What a shame. Creators in this country can’t be connected to the global infrastructure on the Internet. Some are even opening bank accounts in Australia just for Stripe accounts.

Editor’s Note: Consumer Reports has a business relationship with LiveRamp and another data broker, Acxiom. Consumer Reports shares data with each of these companies in order to help support its mission.

So.. Is this article more like an endorsement of data brokerage?…

Using a panel of 709 volunteers who shared archives of their Facebook data, Consumer Reports found that a total of 186,892 companies sent data about them to the social network. On average, each participant in the study had their data sent to Facebook by 2,230 companies. That number varied significantly, with some panelists’ data listing over 7,000 companies providing their data.…

My first Mac

What is Twitter anymore? Not the platform for surfacing information-dense articles, but rather mostly shouting and videos.…

I’m puzzled that Xi keeps feeling the need to tighten political restrictions around society. Controls on free expression are stronger than they have been in decades. As I’ve written in each of my previous letters, the party’s strangling of free expression has rendered China into a pitiful underperformer relative to Japan and South Korea in the creation of cultural products.…

Halla Library. Jeju, South Korea.

The best thing about being a baker. I can always bake pizza for my loved ones.🍕❤️

Korean banks are constantly releasing convoluted apps with awful UI/UX. The banks are excellent at one thing. Suffocating the market with regulations to prevent companies like Stripe from entering.

오늘의 도덕경: 칭찬이나 비판에 과잉반응하고 싶지 않다면, ‘나’라는 에고의식을 버려야 한다. 내가 없다면 충격 받을 일도 없다.

Is there any other options to host static websites besides Github Pages, Netlify, and Vercel? Currently using Netlify Pro, and I want to know if I could reduce the cost.

“We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?"

From Fahrenheit 451

Am I too naive to believe the best content is the best marketing?

We need more self-hosted platforms for personal publishing that aren’t Wordpress. And don’t point me to Hugo or Netlify or Eleventy or all those things - all of them are great, but none of them are simple enough. We need web publishing tools that do not require users to open the Terminal at all. And we need lots of them.…

Is there any way I can incorporate’s json feed into my hugo website? I want to create a page with all my posts on Micro.

A week ago at my office, I taught 5 people how to set up a personal blog. We used Porkbun for a custom domain and for everything else. I wasn’t sure if I needed more than 2 hrs but ended up spending 3+ hrs. The basic structure of the web, setting up DNS, writing in Markdown, etc.

Just added navigation to my blog. Tweaked a bunch of css as well. Now I can sleep well.